
The Outsider---the lighting practise

Because of the programme film is too big to upload so I could post my report first...

I couldn't using the techniques very well so I wanna practise.

Report of Lighting and Shooting

As the background of using a matte painting make a film with lighting techniques around it, most parts of our film has been shot in the dark for practicing the skills.
Our film has been divided into six parts and each part connected with the game: “spell wrong-he’ll swing”. And the theme of our story is around surveillance and the result will be announced at the end of the film.
We have four kinds of lighting and changed them by many ways to express our idea. And on shooting aspect, we not only used the normal pattern of shooting but also used the steady-cam to make more effect by different ways to show.
There are some classic scene from famous films as “Pulp Fiction” and “The Trueman Show”. Most of people who have watched the film like the surprise ending best.

Planning Our Work:
The project offers lighting techniques so we decided shooting at night to show our skills. We borrowed the pag-light, steady-cam and a reflecting board. We have only two weeks to finish the work so we made a tight schedule.
Firstly, choosing story was being the most important thing. I got the idea from the film “Pulp Fiction” (1994). There is a famous and deep-expressive scene of the Marsha was ripe by irrelevant man. We planed to shoot a film like it for practicing the lighting.
Secondly, after choosing the story, we began designing the structure of our work. It seems thin and weak if just telling a wired story so we try to combine it with a game and an open ending.
At last, we began to write our script and drew the sketch. Stella is good at drawing so she responsible for it. We changed it several times and then we decided to begin.
Progress of our work:

At the beginning, we found our friends who have some experience and skills on acting because there are privities between us so that we would save many time on explaining our ideas. After short explaining, we began shooting the film.
The most difficult but important scene is which the wired guy ripe the innocent man. We chose a small room and waiting the night time shooting for the best emotion and affection. All lighting set-up inhabit most space of the tiny room so I have little space to move and shoot. And because the scene offered us using the steady-cam I had to change many ways to adapt the tiny environment making better affection.
And in the same scene, because there are some lenses of making naked affection so we should make them like real. The emotion of the two actors is also important for the scene because it is wired for two men so we made wrong impression on visual for audience. And there is an important advantage that they are acquaintance and knowing each other well so the scene is not too difficult for them.
We plan shooting the easiest scene at the end but the whether was still cloudy and rainy. We waited few days but the deadline is coming so we had no choice. So we changed our idea to shooting the opening in a rainy day to make a depressed emotion.
There is problem occurred during editing that the color is different between the screen of VCR and Macbook. The tone is darker seeing on the computer screen so we had to adapt the color brighter when editing. It was a huge and long progress spending our bunch of time.

Through this practice, I could control the lighting well and using most skills and theory taught in the class into practical excises. Using lighting correctly is good for expressing the theme and idea felicitously so we should practice these skills more proficiency.
