The link among these shots is smooth and smart that it uses the dissolve effect. For example, the first shot changes to the senior woman talking to Cathy using the dissolve. We heard the voice of the senior woman and then watch her face slowly through the dissolve effect. Most parts of this sequence use dissolve. The effect makes audiences some sense because people have enough time to thought when things happened.
Most parts of this sequence flow smoothly and the rhythm makes people feeling comfortable at the party time. But, the rhythm is changing when only Cathy and Frank in the big dinning room after the party. The rate of change becomes fast and intense when Cathy and Frank are kissing then slow down after Frank attack Cathy.
The sequence also follows the conventions of continuity editing very well. During the party, most of shots is connect with Cathy helping friends take the empty glasses. The continuity between two shots is Cathy walking through the dinning-room with empty cups so that audiences can not feel the stop among these shot.
The relation between sounds and images complement each other. The sounds and the images are match. The party time is warm and images are bright and sweet. Then, the sound becomes deep and images become dark and cold. The tone changes, the sound and images also change. Put the sound, the image and the color together can be montage.