'Lighting for Digital Video & Television' ----- by John Jackman
I have read the book before shooting our film and I have made some note on my notebook so I transfer some of them on the blog, although there are some chart and pictures can not post.
---Human vision, the Camera, and Exposure
Relistic lighting is often not good enough for video and televisionNote: the average human eye is the equivalent of an 11,000*11,000 pixel CCD, with pixel only two microns in size.
f/1.4 is one most lenses is wide open
f/2.0 is one-half he area of f/1.4
f/2.8 is one-half the area of f/2.0
F Stop Ratio
1.4 1:1
2.0 2:1
2.8 4:1
4.0 8:1
5.6 16:1
8.0 32:1
11.0 64:1
---The Legal Video Signal
1. Black levels fall in a certain range
2. The eight-bit colour space used by computers displays 0,0,0 as black and 255,255,255 as full-value white
3. For either NTSC or PAL, pure black by RGB of 16,16,16. White is 235,235,235
4. Lower than 16,16,16 will be illegal black.
---Controlling Colour
Energy twice as far from the source is spread over four times the area and thus is 1/4 intensity
---Fluorescent Instruments
1. Soft, difffuse light that radiates in all direction
2. Lowel Rifa---Lite
3. The videssence Baselight B117339BX is a grid hung studio
4. The Gyoury Light System uses light wands that snap into holders
5. CRI: video and film
1. By hanging a sheet of diffusion material from a C-stand arm and positioning it a couple of feet in front of a fresnel
2. matte white reflceter/white umbrella
3. Mole softlight 750W
4. Light rays from a softbank radiate from a large area rather than from a single point
---Diffuse Light
Distance: apparent size of light source is cut to one-quarter the size from the original distance.
---Specialty Instruments
1. GAM makes a large 6000W chicken coop known as toplight
Range up to 15*30 feet in size, by enough for everything
2. Chinese lanterns can be used on mic fishpole as truly portable softlight soft fill and accents in many situation favorite of many DPs
3. Hand-held chinese lantern
4. The best current LEDs are only a bit more effiicient than incandescent lights, take about 1000, 5-mm LEDS to match the light out put of a standard 100W dulb
---Lighting controls and Uses
GELS: thin sheet of transparent colored plastic, dyed polyester.
For film and Video, gels break down into: colour conversion or correction gels and colour effect gels
1. Colour conversion: Change light colour temperature to another
Change yellow and blue range
2. Colour Correction: add or subtract a green component
eg: office and factory cool white fluorescents can't be turned off, need quartz key on the subject. Add green to quartz light to match.
---Colour Conversion and correction gels primarily break down into 4 types
1. Blue to convert tungsten to daylight---colour temperature blue/LTB
2. Orange to convert daylight to tungsten--- colour temperature orange/LTO
3. Green to correct fluorescent---plus green
4. Magenta to correct fluorescent---minus green
---Diffusion Materials
1. Soft and diffuse the light without changing its colour
Break down into three main categories
2. Grid cloth---a waterproof woven textile that can be sewn or grommeted for attachment to large frames
3. Tough spun---a nonwoven polyester fabric
4. Forest---a sheet polyester material that is frosted to various degrees
---Net and Silks
1. Net, scrims and silks act to slebtly reduce the light level to specific areas. Also some diffusion
2. Usually thin, translucent fabrics stretched over a frame
3. Net frame (very large) 'Butterflies' knock down and diffuse strong sunlight
4. The fabric: white(silk) Black(net)
Net abort light, whereas white fabrics provide diffusion
5. The lighting control are usually graded 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 stop
---Light Pattern
1. Barn doors mounted to the front instrument avoid flares
2. Mount a flag or gobo on a seperate stand a little distance from ios to cast a sharper, more precisely defined shadow
3. Blackwrap is used on a light to provide precise, custom formed light control. (One of must-have stuff)
---Reflective Light
Extra light which need especially for close-ups
Don't need an extra light